jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Update: KTC Private bank

A major update 2.00 is available for the product KTC Private bank. Here the following changes:
  • Ability to apply an interest rate for all accounts.
  • Following the new feature of interest rate and a low memory, the options that were in the main script are now in another script.
This new version is recommended even if you don't use the feature of interest rate.

Click on the "Update" menu button to get the new version and read the chapter "10. Data importation/exportation" of the user manual.

Une mise à jour majeure 2.00 est disponible pour le produit KTC Private bank. Voici les changements apportés :
  • Possibilité d'appliquer un taux d'intérêt à tous les comptes.
  • Suite à l'ajout de la fonctionnalité du taux d'intérêt et à un manque de mémoire, les options qui étaient dans le script principal sont désormais dans un autre script.
Cette nouvelle version est recommandée même si vous n'utilisez pas la fonction du taux d'intérêt.

Cliquez sur le bouton "Update" dans le menu pour obtenir la nouvelle version et lisez le chapitre "9. Importation/exportation des données" du manuel utilisateur.

samedi 12 décembre 2015

New product: KTC Digital clock

KTC Digital clock is a sober and universal clock. It can be placed on a wall or a furniture. This clock is fully configurable by menu.

  • Configuration by menu (no notecard)
  • Displays hours and minutes
  • Blinking colon separator for each second
  • Programmable GMT time zone (between -12 and +13)
  • 12 or 24h format
  • Programmable universal Daylight Saving Time for all countries*
  • 8 color presets for digits: white, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, cyan and magenta
  • Optional bell sound (can ring every hour, half or quarter hour)
  • Ability to reset to default parameters
  • Optimized programming (time updated only if necessary)
  • Free and unlimited updates
* Except: Antarctica, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Fiji, Namibia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Samoa and Uruguay

  • 1 prim (mesh)
  • Modify
  • Copy
  • No transfer
  • 3 scripts (96KB of memory)

lundi 7 décembre 2015

Update: KTC Spy camera HD

An update is available for the product KTC Spy camera HD. Here the following changes:
  • Server is now copy.
  • Detections list is not deleted anymore when the memory is low. When there are 500 detections or when the memory is too low, the newest detections replace the oldest (server).
  • The button "Cancel" has been replaced by "Quit" (camera and server).
  • Menu access is not locked anymore when you quit it by the "Ignore" button (camera and server).
  • Default time/date is now SL time. "GMT" button in time zone sub-menu has been replaced by "SL time" (camera).
  • The button "List" in the sub-menu "Ignore" has been removed. Ignored avatars are displayed in the menu label (camera).
  • Number of detections has been decreased to 20 per page in the detections list (server).
  • Camera was not hidden when the "Hide" button was clicked (camera).
Click on the "Update" menu button on the server to get this new version.

The products KTC Spy camera HD2, HD4 and H6 are since 2014 an unique product: KTC Spy camera HD. If you want update these products, contact the support.

vendredi 4 décembre 2015

Update: KTC Spy camera

An update is available for the product KTC Spy camera. Here the following changes:
  • Detections list is not deleted anymore when the memory is low. When there are 600 detections or when the memory is too low, the newest detections replace the oldest.
  • The button "Cancel" has been replaced by "Quit".
  • Menu access is not locked anymore when you quit it by the "Ignore" button.
  • Default time/date is now SL time ("GMT" button in time zone sub-menu has been replaced by "SL time").
Click on the "Update" menu button to get this new version.

You can update only one product. If you have several products to update, contact the support.

mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Update: KTC Private bank

An update is available for the product KTC Private bank. Here the following change:
  • When the email address is not set then the log can contain up to 200 events. Beyond, new events replace the oldest.
Click on the "Update" menu button to get this new version and read the chapter "9. Data importation/exportation" of the user manual to transfer your current data to the new terminal.

Une mise à jour est disponible pour le produit KTC Private bank. Voici la modification apportée :
  • Lorsque l'adresse e-mail n'est pas renseignée, le journal peut contenir jusqu'à 200 évènements. Au-delà, les nouveaux évènements remplacent les plus anciens.
Cliquez sur le bouton "Update" dans le menu pour obtenir cette nouvelle version et consultez le chapitre "8. Importation/exportation des données" du manuel utilisateur pour transférer vos données actuelles vers le nouveau terminal.