A new version is available for the product KTC Rentals terminal. This version allows any user to pay a rent for another renter.
Click on the "Update" menu button to get this new version and follow the provided update instructions.
mardi 13 octobre 2015
dimanche 11 octobre 2015
Mise à jour : KTC Terminal de locations
Une nouvelle version 3.20 est disponible pour le produit KTC Terminal de locations. Il est désormais possible pour n'importe quel utilisateur de payer le loyer d'un autre locataire.
Si vous souhaitez bénéficier de cette fonctionnalité, cliquez sur le bouton "Mise à jour" dans le menu du terminal pour obtenir la nouvelle version et suivez les instructions fournies pour procéder à la mise à jour.
Si vous souhaitez bénéficier de cette fonctionnalité, cliquez sur le bouton "Mise à jour" dans le menu du terminal pour obtenir la nouvelle version et suivez les instructions fournies pour procéder à la mise à jour.
samedi 10 octobre 2015
Mise à jour : KTC Money chair
Correction des permissions pour le produit KTC Money chair. Le script "KTC Money chair - Horloge" n'était pas copiable, ce qui empêchait de dupliquer la chaise.
Cliquez sur le bouton "Mise à jour" du menu pour obtenir la mise à jour.
Cliquez sur le bouton "Mise à jour" du menu pour obtenir la mise à jour.
vendredi 9 octobre 2015
New product: KTC Rental box
KTC Rental box allows you to manage payment for your individual real estate rentals.
Discover the full product listing on SL Marketplace.
- Optimized programming using only very low resources (no "lag")
- Sober and discreet box without floating text
- Simple configuration by menus (no chat entry or notecard)
- Ability to set a maximum number of prims and get the number used on the parcel (if available)
- Ability to set the type of rental: residential, commercial or dual-purpose
- Changing settings at any time
- Payment per 1 to 4 weeks
- Accurate countdown displayed in days, hours and minutes to the nearest second
- Rental expiration notified to the tenant the 1-5 days
- Management of payment arrears
- Programmable alerts for the owner: rental start/end by IM and/or visual signal
- Detailed information displayed in the chat for the tenant: rental name, tenant name, remaining time, rent amount, rental type and number of prims used (if available)
- Ability to terminate the rent (locking payments) or resume at any time
- Management by the owner or a group
- Ability to custom the rental name (name of the parcel or object name)
- Display of the rental status by light indicator
- Data preservation when inventory reintegration and then installation
- Transfer function for data configuration between two boxes
- Ability to set the rental unavailable
- Free and unlimited updates
Discover the full product listing on SL Marketplace.
lundi 5 octobre 2015
New product: KTC Club tip jar
Presented with a 1 Dollar coin, KTC Club tip jar is a common tip jar for employees of a club or other event. The employees must login to the tip jar in order to use it. Once logged, the employee may be tipped like any other tip jar. Access to the tip jar is possible for employees, but also to a particular group.
KTC Club tip jar has many options such as customization of all messages including those in the floating text, customization of preset amounts, the ability to set the percentage received by the employee and possibly to give a part of tips to a partner.
KTC Club tip jar meets the simulator resources with only 2 scripts (80KB of memory) and use only 0.001ms of CPU.
Finally, this tip jar is easily configured via dynamic and hierarchical menus (only available options are displayed). You never quit the menu during setup.
All features are available on the SL Marketplace product listing.
KTC Club tip jar has many options such as customization of all messages including those in the floating text, customization of preset amounts, the ability to set the percentage received by the employee and possibly to give a part of tips to a partner.
KTC Club tip jar meets the simulator resources with only 2 scripts (80KB of memory) and use only 0.001ms of CPU.
Finally, this tip jar is easily configured via dynamic and hierarchical menus (only available options are displayed). You never quit the menu during setup.
All features are available on the SL Marketplace product listing.
samedi 3 octobre 2015
Mise à jour : KTC Pourboires club
Une nouvelle version est disponible pour le produit KTC Pourboires club. Voici les améliorations apportées :
- Les messages des dons dans le chat étaient suivis de sauts de ligne (lignes vides).
- Le bouton "x15" dans le menu de la couleur du texte flottant a été remplacé par "+15". Il s'agit un incrément et non d'un multiplicateur.
- L'accès au menu n'est plus bloqué s'il a été préalablement quitté par "Ignorer" ou si une saisie était en cours.
- Il est désormais possible de saisir uniquement le prénom durant la saisie d'un employé ou de l'associé sans le nom "Resident" (cas ou l'avatar n'a qu'un prénom).
- Le bouton "Annuler" a été remplacé par "Quitter".
jeudi 1 octobre 2015
New product: KTC Mailbox
As its name suggests, KTC Mailbox is a mailbox to receive notecards. There are many products like this but KTC Mailbox offers exclusive options. This type of mailbox can be installed to many uses: reviews, items orders, personal mail box... The box is a replica of traditional French mailboxes, manufactured by the foundry Dejoie from Nantes.
Its operating principle is very simple, since just click on the box to drop a notecard. If the owner can of course collect the mail, it may also appoint postmen that will collect the mail. Each postman can be individually notified about deposits or automatically receive notecards. Notecards can be collected locally separately or entirely and possibly deleted. It is not necessary to edit the box to remove notecards manually. Finally, a time-stamped log records all box activity such deposits, collecting and deleting.
The mailbox is easily configured via dynamic and hierarchical menus (only available options are displayed). You never quit the menu during setup or mail management.
Discover all features on the SL Marketplace product listing.
Its operating principle is very simple, since just click on the box to drop a notecard. If the owner can of course collect the mail, it may also appoint postmen that will collect the mail. Each postman can be individually notified about deposits or automatically receive notecards. Notecards can be collected locally separately or entirely and possibly deleted. It is not necessary to edit the box to remove notecards manually. Finally, a time-stamped log records all box activity such deposits, collecting and deleting.
The mailbox is easily configured via dynamic and hierarchical menus (only available options are displayed). You never quit the menu during setup or mail management.
Discover all features on the SL Marketplace product listing.
Mise à jour : KTC Boîte aux lettres
Une mise à jour est disponible pour le produit KTC Boîte aux lettres. Voici les améliorations apportées :
- Nouveau manuel utilisateur avec table des matières.
- L'option de relève automatique est désormais affichée dans le label du menu (bouton "Auto").
- Le script d'horloge (utilisé pour la date et l'heure du journal) a été supprimé. Le code a été intégré directement dans le script du journal.
- Le bouton "Annuler" est remplacé par "Quitter".
- Les boutons fléchés dans les menus de relève et de suppression ont été remplacés par "Suivant" et "Précédent".
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